Assignment extension requests

Community Participant

Just wondering if anyone has a great idea to manage assignment extension requests?

We have looked at this a number of times and have come up with some options, each option has pros and cons.

  1. Link the Inbox to each assignment. This requires the student to correctly enter the assignment title however the request can be lost within a large number of communications.
  2. Ask students to document their request in the text entry box. Many of our assignments are set to one attempt to ensure meaningful teacher feedback is provided prior to allowing additional attempts. If students use the text entry for communication then teachers will need to assign additional attempts when a genuine one has not yet occurred. It also means that students must enter the same request for each task when in actual fact it may be the whole unit that needs to be considered (this can sometimes be over 5 assignments).
  3. An assignment with unlimited attempts linked to an Unit Assessment Overview to allow for extension requests for any task within that unit. This method still relies on students inputting the correct task name and number, it could also fill the Gradebook with unnecessary white noise.
  4. One quiz/survey with unlimited attempts that identifies every assessment task for the qualification or unit and asks the student to select the task/s they require an extension for. This allows for less student error as they do not have to include the correct code and title however requires maintenance if the task titles are edited or tasks are added or removed.

Would appreciate some advice or ideas on how others manage these requests.

I found this idea which may assist however will not help in the short term: Idea Conversation


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