[ARCHIVED] Protecting Proprietary pdfs or epub content in Canvas

Community Explorer

I write on behalf of educators in our College of Education. They have a course space that supports training they provide to state of Maryland educators.  Within the space they link to content that should open in an epub or ibook reader.  They have a concern about the native files downloading to an individual's desktop whereby a person could then share the content outside of the context of the course.  In other words, they have concerns about the security of their intellectual property.

The question is does Instructure have any kind of relationship with the vendor of an epub app that integrates with a Canvas course?  Or, a different take, if the content were to be converted to all PDFs, is there a way to prohibit the downloading of the files, just keeping them visible in the course environment.   
They are looking for something like the response to this inquiring about protecting proprietary videos:  https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Question-Forum/Prevent-Downloads-to-Protect-Proprietary-Videos/m-...
The media recorder does  not recognize the file format of the epub, nor PDFs.
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