[ARCHIVED] "Complete All Items" is not working

Community Explorer

I have "Complete All Items in the Module" set as a requirement for my modules, but it does not appear that Canvas is honoring that setting. When I'm in student view, only the first page in the module is receiving a check mark indicating it has been viewed, even when all the pages have been viewed. The only thing i notice is that all the subsequent pages are indented. This is because  my first page is an overview of the module and I want to show that everything else is subsidiary to the overview page.  If indenting the items means Canvas ignores them as items, that's really dumb. The setting is "ALL items" in the module. 😞 Is my Canvas glitching? Should Canvas be checking off all the pages when I have this setting turned on, even if they are indented? 


I'm really frustrated that I can't find this information in the How to for this feature. 

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