[ARCHIVED] Why is New Quizzes (Quizzes Next) missing so many features?

Community Participant
  1. Does not show up in Student To-Do or give red cross in the module to show missing.
  2. Students cannot access via gradebook (No Preview)
    1. Students have to access it thru a module.
  3. Essay questions do not show up in Teacher To-Do
    1. You have to go to gradebook, find quiz and open SpeedGrader via clicking on a student grade, then go to options and sort by date submitted and manually check.
  4. Cannot change info/date while in Build, have to back out and find it in the module.
  5. Item Bank: rather than simple question groups, you have to add questions to an Item Bank, go to add an Item Bank and then scroll thru multiple pages until you find the one you want.
    1. What good is adding tags if you can only search inside the bank you want and not search the banks themselves?
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