[ARCHIVED] Infinite Campus Assignment Categories

Community Participant

Quick question about grade passback, Infinite Campus, and assignment categories.

One of my teachers swears that her Canvas/Infinite Campus grade sync has changed behavior.  Canvas has stopped creating her Infinite Campus assignments as "Uncategorized" and has started creating all of her assignments in the incorrect categories.  

I thought that Canvas grade passback did not support IC assignment categories.  But now that I'm researching further, I'm confused.

Most articles in the community say: 
"As an instructor, all Canvas assignments sync to the Uncategorized section of the Infinite Campus Gradebook. You will have to move each assignment to the appropriate grading category in Infinite Campus."

But this article
talks about how to name your assignment categories for grade passback.

Both articles have the same "last modified" date.

Does anyone know for sure if Canvas will sync an assignment's category to IC??

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