Weird Canvas Studio video thumbnail problem

Community Explorer

OK, this is subtle and weird, so let me try to explain.

What I'm trying to do is upload my lecture Zoom videos into Canvas Studio, link in the captions and then put a thumbnail title page on it that identifies the date and time of the recording.

This works 99% of the time without incident.

But every once in a while, when I go to select the image file to use as the thumbnail, I pick the wrong one. Mistakes happen, no big deal. Just do it again and select the correct one. Right?

Eh, no. Here's an example.

I load the Feb 4 video, but accidently select the "Feb 2" thumbnail, a PNG for image.

Oops. OK, hit "Replace thumbnail" again, select the correct "Feb 4" thumbnail.

"Thumbnail uploaded successfully."

What does it say? "Feb 2". What???

So here's what I've tried to do:

  • Load a completely different image of a dinosaur. It loads and becomes the thumbnail.
  • Now, try to re-load "Feb 4". I get "Feb 2".
  • Change the format of the "Feb 4", and select. I get "Feb 2".
  • Re-draw another completely new version of the "Feb 4" image file, with a different format and name. I get "Feb 2".
  • Load a completely different image of a cat. The cat becomes the thumbnail.
  • Clear all of my browser history, because maybe it's remembering the "Feb 2" in a cookie or something.
  • Try to load ALL of the alternate "Feb 4" image files, one at a time. I get "Feb 2".
  • Load a picture of a spider. I get the spider.
  • Try a different browser on a different computer. Try to load ALL of the alternate "Feb 4" image files, one at a time. I get "Feb 2".

What does Studio think it's doing???

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