[ARCHIVED] Imported Quiz and it deleted my old quiz

Community Member

Hello! I imported a quiz from a colleague's course, made some edits to it, and renamed it (to quiz 5.4) (I had removed some content from his quiz that my class had not done yet). Now, I want to make a new quiz (5.5) with the content that I had removed to make Quiz 5.4. So I imported his quiz again, thinking I could edit it to make my new 5.5 quiz.  Instead, it completed deleted and replaced my Quiz 5.4.  

a) Is there any way to recover my old quiz (5.4)?  Students have already taken it and I don't want them to lose all their work

b) What is the proper way to do something like this?  I don't see any easy option for copying a quiz or "saving as" to make new quizzes.  

Thanks in advance!

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