[ARCHIVED] GPB not working - everything is correct

Community Member

Sync to Synergy is not working and I have tried EVERYTHING!  I have multiple classes and I do the same thing for each one and some work and some don't.  I don't get it!  The classes are crosslinked correctly.  The group names match.  The due dates are input.  I get warnings like "cannot find due date" and errors like: 

{"errors":[{"errorCode":401,"codeMajor":"failure","severity":"error","codeMinor":"unauthorized","description":"Result PUT Called (Assignment either Admin Locked or not 3rd Party - No Changes Made)"}],"input":"{\"result\":{\"sourcedId\":\"2d6ecb10-aea7-4e4a-b4e0-13e499cd747c\",\"lineItem\":{\"href\":\"~/ims/oneroster/v1p1/lineItems/fe257279-3087-4f6f-8c7a-59e9903afe57\",\"sourcedId\":\"fe257279-3087-4f6f-8c7a-59e9903afe57\",\"type\":\"lineItem\"},\"student\":{\"href\":\"~/ims/oneroster/v1p1/students/9D4C99F6-1626-40BD-BA79-AF30E5813E11\",\"sourcedId\":\"9D4C99F6-1626-40BD-BA79-AF30E5813E11\",\"type\":\"student\"},\"scoreStatus\":\"fully graded\",\"score\":4}}"}


What is going on?  I have successfully synced in prior quarters and this one is just not making sense.  Please help with things for me to try...

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