[ARCHIVED] Multiple Numerical Answers for a Single Question

Community Member

Dear Reader,

I am putting this out for consideration and hopefully effecting change. Could a new option be made in Canvas quizzes, in keeping with the naming scheme, Multiple Numerical Answers? This option would be similar to the present "Numerical Answer" option with "Exact Answer", "Answer in the Range" and "Answer with Precision" but it would also be like the "Fill in Multiple Blanks" where multiple numerical answers could be submitted for a single question which has multiple parts. This option would allow the user to respond to the different parts of the question and each answer submitted will be checked by Canvas based on whether the Exact, Range or Precision option was selected.

Thank you for your consideration,

Andrew Neptune

Senior Lecturer - General Engineering

Clemson University  |  Lever 108  |  Clemson, SC 29634-0902

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