How do I duplicate a question bank (in the same course)?

Community Participant

With the move to online, I am very new to Canvas quizzes (we only have the classic version available).

How can I duplicate a question/test bank that I have imported into the course so that I can modify the copy while keeping the original intact? (imported from zyBooks FWIW)

I'd like to keep the original, but edit down the number of questions in the copy. The reason for doing this is that I'd like to use all of the (fewer) questions in the copy of the question bank in a question group so that I get the same questions for all students, but in random order (at least that's the only way I know how to randomize the question order with classic quizzes). I check the shuffle answer too.

My goal is to have each student receive the questions and answers in different order to cut down cheating 😕

I'd like to keep the original around as a larger pool of questions I can select from in the future, this way I could also add to the original pool over time.

I hope this make some sense, otherwise happy to clarify. Thanks!


PS: Just to confirm what would seem obvious, the point value for all questions in a question bank will be the same and can't be changed individually. 

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