[ARCHIVED] Assignments missing from Gradebook after CSV import

Community Member

What I did:

  • I exported a csv file from the Canvas gradebook
  • Copied in some columns of assignments and scores from another programs csv export
  • Saved the csv file and imported it into Canvas
  • For each of the new assignments when prompted I selected "new assignment"
  • For maximum points I chose 1 because the scores from other program were in decimal format
  • File upload and submission proceeded without error
  • I went to each assignment and checked the box for SIS syncing and set a due date.

Expected Result:

  • To see the assignments and the student grades in the gradebook when I select "Grades" in the course menu

Actual Result:

  • I can NOT see the assignments and student grades in the gradebook when I select "Grades" in the course menu.
  • I CAN see the scores for assignments under "Last 10 graded items" if I select the student name in the gradebook inside the JavaScript window that pops out from the last side.  For example: a 71% on one of the items.
  • I CAN see the student scores for the assignments if I go to the assignment and select the SpeedGrader option for that assignment, the scores are there in the SpeedGrader.  For example on one assignment it has: Grade (0.71 / 1) and below in the box 71% 

What I have checked:

  • I have checked that the assignments are published.
  • They have a point value of 1.  (The decimal point value is what shows in SpeedGrader)
  • The assignment group is assignments
  • Display grade is set to percentage
  • Submission type: no submission
  • Group assignment is NOT checked
  • Peer Review is NOT checked
  • They ARE set to sync to SIS
  • They are assigned to Everyone
  • They have due dates

Anyone have any suggestions for what other settings/configurations that I might check to determine why these assignments are not showing up in the gradebook???

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