Can I use individual input data in a quiz formula question with automatic marking?

Community Explorer

I would like to individualise a self-marking maths question in a Canvas quiz. I know it is possible to ask Canvas to show the student a random number and get her to compute a result based on this and other data which is common to all students facing the quiz.  This is something else.  For example, I would like the student to pick a number (e.g. the month they were born; September = 9) and enter it.  Canvas would use this value to compute the correct answer for the question when the student takes the exam.  Can this be done?  The "Help with Quiz Question Formulas" in the old quiz domain seems to offer this, but (1) I would rather use a new quiz; and (2) I can't get it to work in Old or New quizzes.

If that is too easy for you, how about this idea: can Canvas (with potential extensions if necessary) pick up a value like the student's student number from a database and use it to compute the answer for a formula question?

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