[ARCHIVED] Multiple due dates for a single assignment (via Student in Multiple sections)

Community Member

Hi All, 

I have a class that has multiple sections: some for the days students meet in-person (a Monday section and a Wednesday section) and a section for everybody (Art 311 B). See below:

Screen Shot 2020-09-20 at 10.43.18 PM.png

I have an assignment where I'd like to have 2 due dates for each student. A discussion board where they embed an image (due date 1) and then come back and comment on other's posts (due date 2). I attempted to do this by giving multiple due dates, one due date for the Monday section to post their image, one due date for the Wednesday section to post their image, and a last due date for everyone (Art 311 B) to comment. See screenshot: 

Screen Shot 2020-09-20 at 10.41.56 PM.png

However, students have informed me they only see the latest due date. So, even if a student is in 2 sections (ie Wednesday and Art 311 B), they only see the due date for Art 311 B. This checks out in student view too as the free choice assignment is missing from either the 21st or 22nd, as shown above. 

Screen Shot 2020-09-20 at 10.42.27 PM.png

Any ideas? It'd be great to have multiple due dates for a single student on an assignment. 



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