[ARCHIVED] Assigning Individual Assignents to Half the Class at a Time (Hybrid/Rotation)

Community Novice

How do you assign large student groups to non-group assignments as they rotate between online and in-person class sessions throughout the week?

For example, on Day 1 ,Group A will attend class and do a worksheet to get an attendance point. Group B will watch a short video the material, do the worksheet, and upload their work (for a completion grade). Group C are the totally remote students and do all the things online. Group A would not have to turn in the worksheet for that day because they were in class. On day 2, the groups A and B will be reversed. Group A will do the worksheet for that day and B will be in class.

These would be individual assignments not Group.

I know I can type the students' names in manually in "Assign To," but I was wondering if there was an easier way.

My school does sections through the registrar. So each of my classes only has one section, which I am not able to break into sections.

So, I was wondering if there was a workaround for this issue?

Thank you all so much!


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