MathQuill is a Bit Quirky

Community Member

I am new to CANVAS. I was exploring today, attempting to create a quiz.  CANVAS has some very nice features for those purposes.  Being an instructor in mathematics, I stumbled upon the MathQuill tool in attempting to build test items.  It does some things very well, but I really got a little rattled when I could not find a facility for creating a FRACTION.  Fractions are a pretty basic mathematical concept.

I opened a chat session with a very attentive representative who researched my query.  She determined that there is a pseudo expression for creting a fraction (\frac{numerator}{denominator}).  It does work and produces beautiful text.  Apparently there are similar expressions for creating other constructs.  I can work around this quirkiness for creating the test items.  However, this simply will not work as a methodology for my middle schoolers to create their fractional responses.

What I find really surprising is that I cannot find that someone had already discovered this.  Perhaps some member of the design team will read this and address it. #Mathquill

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