[ARCHIVED] How can I not have the blue question mark show and load images?

Community Novice

I was scheduled to complete an exam today.  The test was timed.  The instructor, Dr. Baghdasarian, warned in an email before the test to make sure that we had a strong internet connection and that no programs were running.  I waited until later in the evening as I have a stronger internet connection later at night.   Unfortunately, this was a test that had an image with almost every question.  All I saw were the multiple choice options and that horrible little blue box with the tiny white question mark inside of it.  On a fluke, I guessed on the first answer and somehow it was correct but I submitted the test because the next question came up the same way, without any image and only the question mark.  I did a speed check on my internet connection and it says I have a fast connection.  I had no programs running at the time.  I need to fix this.  I am hoping that my instructor will understand that this is a technical issue and allow me to take the test again but what about tests coming up?  I can't have this same issue.  My computer is only a year old.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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