Uncertain About Lti Basic Launch for Submitted Assignment

Community Novice

We have an lti tool which makes an assignment submission via the Score service (part of Assignment and Grading Services).

The submission works fine and the assignment shows up in the student Grades view as "not yet graded", which is correct.

The problem is that when I try to access the assignment from the student view, I get an error message saying: "Couldn't find valid settings for this link"

I'm not sure why this is because it is the same path used to access the tool resource that works before. The only difference is that there are some additional parameters in the query string. To give you an idea, here is how the Score object that gets submitted to Canvas looks:

        "new_submission": true,
        "submission_type": "basic_lti_launch",
        "submission_data": "https://mytool.com/lti/assignment?param=biz&otherparam=baz"

I am using the submission_data URL to ensure that the instructor can see the correct submission in the external tool within SpeedGrader.

I'm not sure why Canvas is giving this error, since the https://mytool.com/lti/assignment URL is listed in the tool configuration under Redirect URIs. Also, this URL works fine when a student opens the assignment before they submit it.

Am I understanding something incorrectly? Should the "submission_type" be set to something else? Or should "submission_data" be a different URL? One thing is that

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