excluding students from a quiz that is assigned to everyone else in a section of the course

Community Explorer

I am administering my exam to a course with a combined enrollment of 500, as a multiple-choice Canvas quiz.  The course has two sections, 12:30 - 1:45 pm and 2 - 3:15 pm, EDT.  I understand how to assign a different quiz link to each section separately.  But what I would also like to do is to exclude certain students from these regularly-scheduled quizzes.  This is because (a) some students will have to take the quiz at a third, later time, because they live in a very distant time zone, and (b) some students have extended-time accommodations through our Academic Resource Center and will have a different time limit from the rest of the class.

As I understand it, if I assign one exam link to all students in, say, the 12:30 - 1:45 pm section, then students who are enrolled in this section but not taking the exam then due to (a) or (b) will see two exam links:  one for the regularly-administered exam and another for their special exam (later or with extended time).  This seems like it could cause confusion, so I would like it to be the case that I can create one link for everyone in the 12:30 section except for the (a) and (b) students in that section, and other links for the (a) and (b) students who are registered in the 12:30 section.  

I have 500 students, so manually assigning every student to an exam link is out of the question.  Any advice?

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