[ARCHIVED] How to record and count completed non-graded tasks of students' choices? (Similar to CPD management)

Community Novice

Hello all, 

We are exploring to build something similar to CPD management system which allows our students to monitor their learning/completion progress of a 3-year course. For a component of the course, our students are required to complete a certain number (from a large pool) of non-graded tasks of their choices (similar to completing a certain number of hours of training, e.g. from an ocean of webinars, for CPD) during the course period. Students will only fulfill the component requirement upon completion of adequate number of such tasks. It is expected that the completion dates (for each task and the whole component) among students will be very different.

I have been searching and reading quite some guides and threads here, but unfortunately could not identify a supporting feature/solution on Canvas. Grateful to have your kind sharing/insights please if you encountered the similar earlier. Many thanks.

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