[ARCHIVED] Does CANVAS have the ability to recover a deleted group discussion page?

Community Member

Problem: CANVAS discussion was designed for multiple groups, and the groups were deleted after the discussions were submitted and graded. Though individual student submissions are visible in SpeedGrader, the "overall conversation" is gone. Note: the discussions (which now only show the prompt) were NOT deleted. The inputs from students, likewise, were not deleted. The "view" of the entire group discussion disappeared. The attachment provides the verbiage we can see at the top of an individual student submission in SpeedGrader. Clicking on the group discussion link in SpeedGrader outputs the Page Not Found illustration.

Request: Is there a way to recover the group discussion pages to "see the whole conversation" versus just the individual inputs in SpeedGrader? We tried the "undelete" tool on the CANVAS course Home page, and it didn't show options to recover the groups or the group discussions. 

Research: These links suggest other people have had similar issues, but we were unable to find evidence that CANVAS can recover this data. https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/15376-group-deletionrecovery-request and https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/15357-delete-group-warning-message-needs-more-relevant-informa...

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