"Permanent" Announcement in Canvas?

Community Champion

Hi Everyone,

I created a Global Announcement for our high school with information about how the kids should take attendance. Some kids have reported that the announcement is gone, and I am assuming they clicked on the "X" to close it. I could create an announcement every day, but then my thought is that kids who don't close the original will see multiple ones down the screen. I know I can simply give instructions to close each day's announcement, but was wondering if there was a way to prevent them from closing an announcement in the first place? (High school kids are often not great at reading instructions.....lol).  In lieu of that, is there another method I can use to get a message on everyone's screen for a month or more?

Thank you, and I so appreciate this community and the fact that we've been a Canvas District for over 6 years. It sure helps right now.


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