how do I change my class roster [i.e., "People"] to default to alpha-last-name-first.

Community Participant

For attendance, checklists, and other instructor functions for which I need regular access to a class roster, for four courses per-semester, usually 230-250 students, it is most efficient for me to have easy access to a roster that is sorted as alpha-last-name-first.  While it is a start toward a solution, the Canvas default provides a listing People in the alpha order of their last name [but the list is actually displaying first-name-(and any middle)-names-first].  But, that is not efficient enough for my many uses.  I appreciate knowing of the easy solution to this rather simple function for a default set-up of Canvas courses that default the list of "People" as alpha-last-name-first.  See examples below.  Thanks for any assistance!

What Canvas (currently) provides (fictitious names, for illustration only):

1.  John Thomas Abbot

2.  Sarah Marie Susan Ames

3.  Janiqua Barrett

4.  Jo-Jo Chase

5.  Marcus Jones

What I need:

1.  Abbot, John Thomas

2.  Ames, Sarah Mari Susan

3.  Barrett, Janiqua

4.  Chase, Jo-Jo

5.  Jones, Marcus

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