Managing Your Canvas Content - March 2022 (Vocational Education & Training User Group)



This month we will be talking all things content management within Canvas. We all know that package changes, course updates and versioning control can equate to a stressful time for any provider. We’re going to break down some myths as well as give you the knowledge to confidently control your next update.

Our esteemed panelists will be discussing:

  • How to best share resources between users, courses and other instances?
  • Workflows for leveraging Canvas native tools for shorter turnarounds and better collaboration.
  • Understanding how to effectively conclude courses and users for your institution needs
  • When you should be editing published courses or creating new courses to ensure digital integrity

No matter how long you’ve been with Canvas, our goal is to ensure all attendees leave with a greater knowledge of the Canvas platform and strategy for long term success!


Want to know more? Be sure to reach out to our advocates if you have any questions or comment below.

Damian Noud Team Leader – Learner Success Team, MRWED (Chair) @dnoud 
Kerri Buttery Partner, VETNexus (Panel) @kerributtery 
Marita Bird Assessment Director, TasTAFE (Panel) @marita_bird 
Paul Pellier LMS Administrator
Adam Ware Snr CSM - Instructure APAC @adamwarecx 





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