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JobReady (JR Plus)/Vettrak Cloud - Canvas LMS Integration Hub

JobReady (JR Plus)/Vettrak Cloud - Canvas LMS Integration Hub

For those that integrate with JR Plus or Vettrak Cloud , we've collated these resources to provide a one-stop-shop for you.

* - We also suggest reading the following article Considerations for Course Creation in Vocational Education and discussing this with your CSM to ensure you maximise both Canvas and JR Plus as much as possible.

Important Links / Guide

JR Plus Canvas LMS Integration and Workflows - User Guide (attached)

Workflow Breakdown

1. Process: Canvas Unit Workflow

This workflow works by pushing across students from Units into select Courses in Canvas. Each Unit within your system will be mapped across to a single Course setup in Canvas. Assignments within the course will be required to be completed to return the result back into the SMS.

Each unit will be pushed to Canvas independently – as example, should an enrolment have 10 units, there will be 10 groups of push requests made to Canvas; resulting on 10 different courses and 10 different enrolments. Failures are also individual, a failed unit won't prevent others to be pushed across. Retries will also be handled separately for each unit.

Basic Mapping.

ReadyTech Canvas: Canvas Guides/Notes:
Unit Course*  
Trainer Section*  
Party Student

Student Guides

Assesor Teacher

Teacher Guides

2. Process: Canvas Module Workflow

This workflow works by pushing across students from Programs with your system into a single Course set up in Canvas.

Within the Course in Canvas, each assessment (Quiz, Assignment or Assessment) will be mapped to a Unit that a student is enrolled in. These must have the Unit Identifier within brackets so we can determine student competency when transferring the results. I.e., “Written Assessment (BSBLDR501)”.

If there are multiple assignments that contribute to a unit grade, you can apply the same unit id across multiple assignments.


3. Process: Canvas Subject Workflow

Similar to the Unit based workflow, this workflow works by pushing across Student Records via Subjects (Units of Study) into select Courses in Canvas.

Each Subject or Unit of Study within your SMS will be mapped across to a single Course setup in Canvas. Assignments within the course will be required to be completed in order to return the result back into the system.

Basic Mapping.

ReadyTech Canvas: Canvas Guides/Notes:
Subject Course*  
Subject Section*  
Party Student

Student Guides

Assesor Teacher

Teacher Guides


4. Process: Canvas Course Workflow

This workflow works by pushing across students from enrolled courses into Courses in Canvas.

Each course within your system will be mapped across to a single Course setup in Canvas via a 1:1 relationship. Assignments within the course will then require completion to return the result back into your SMS.


Additional Information:

Workflow Map

It can be confusing when referring to terms across two platforms that use the same names so here is a summary of the workflows and terms:

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Sis ID’s are how the integration knows where to place students and where to bring back results.

353102_Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 4.01.51 PM.png

Require further assistance?

Reach out to the JR Plus team via - JR Plus – Help Centre

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