Employer Site Visit

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In the VET group, has anyone figured out a way to track site visits with a learner?  

As an ITO/PTE our funding includes roughly four (4) one-on-one in person visits with our learners each year.  And we need to track those visits to meet our funding requirements.  (This is our Assessor/Teacher meeting with the Learner.)  

All of the Attendance type add-ons already available are at the course level, and not helpful when each course is it's own Unit Standard.  

I was thinking a workaround would be to use our SMS to track this, but would be nice for our Assessors to only need to know/login to one platform and not two.  Also, the site visit coincides with marking of assessments so it makes sense to track the two together. 

Any thoughts on this? 

1 Solution

Have you thought about using a no-submission assignment? benefits of this would include:

  • Assignments allow the user to have a date in their calendar.
  • Assignments can be linked back to tasks in your SMS
  • Students don't actually submit work BUT assessors/Trainer still have access to the Speedgrader to provide feedback/marks
  • You could also create a specific "Site visit" assignment group for clear communication to the student

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