Emergency Remote Instruction

Community Member

I was recently browsing Reddit (strike one) on company time (strike two) and came across a post by a user in /r/edtech who has uploaded their Emergency Remote Instruction course to Commons.

For those of us who are in situations where schools may undergo temporary closure I thought it might be a good resource to adapt (some content is US-specific) or at least be aware of. From the user's Reddit post, it is "Basically a resource with modules for Canvas, Google Apps, Zoom and emergency resources, along with some strategies and tips"

I can't find a direct URL to the course in Commons (if one exists) but searching for "Emergency Remote Instruction" or the creator Gretchen Schaefer will turn up only one result as of 12/3/20.

Stay safe!

[EDIT] Flipgrid, a tool referenced in the EMI course, looks awesome. In a nutshell it facilitates learning sessions by way of teachers sharing short video recordings which prompt responses from learners. It's free, integrates with Canvas and allows sharing to Microsoft Teams.