Update on the Block Editor



I’m excited to provide an update on the much-anticipated new feature in Canvas: the Block Editor!

What's the Block Editor?

The Block Editor is a powerful new tool available to all Canvas LMS users at no additional cost. This new experience allows instructors, instructional designers, and other content creators to create well-designed, responsive content without relying on HTML, using a simple and familiar block interface. It will help educators deliver high-quality content to learners, resulting in a more consistent and engaging educational experience.

Our product vision for the Block Editor is straightforward: we want to streamline content creation for engaging courses, ensuring a consistent, high-quality learning experience for all.

Alpha Group Feedback

Throughout the development of the Block Editor, we’ve collaborated with institutions from around the globe and across various sectors. They participated in one-on-one interviews, completed surveys, reviewed designs, explored early iterations and prototypes, and provided written and video feedback. This partnership has helped us narrow down to the three most important goals we aim to achieve with the Block Editor:

  • Save educators time by helping them build engaging courses without requiring HTML knowledge.
  • Prevent educators from creating inaccessible content by defaulting to accessibility best practices.
  • Equip administrators with the tools needed to ensure consistent, high-quality content across their institutions.

Our Approach

A common approach when developing new products and features is to focus on the outcomes for actual users, ensuring we stay aligned with our ultimate goal: a great user experience. For the Block Editor, we sought to define UX outcomes before building specific features. We asked:

  • “If we successfully deliver a new content creation experience, how will we improve educators’ lives?”
  • “If we successfully deliver a new content creation experience, how will we improve administrators’ lives?”

The ideas generated from these questions have informed the foundation of the Block Editor and guided us, alongside our Alpha group, in determining the features for our initial release. We’ve established that by delivering a great new content creation experience:  

  • We'll improve educators’ lives by providing quick page templates designed by our in-house Content and Design Services team.
  • We’ll improve instructional designers’ lives by offering the most commonly used interactive block types.
  • We’ll improve administrators’ lives by ensuring content is responsive and more accessible.
  • We’ll improve learners’ lives by helping educators create engaging learning experiences.

While this doesn’t cover every detail, it highlights our focus on three main areas: templating and layouts, common block types (such as tabs and buttons), and easy, responsive design for all screen sizes.

Below are a few screenshots to give you a sneak preview of what’s to come:

A visual of the main landing page for the Block EditorA visual of the main landing page for the Block Editor

When users select the Block Editor to create a new page, they’ll be prompted to create a blank page or choose from a variety of templates created by our Content and Design Services team.

A visual of the button toolbar optionsA visual of the button toolbar options

Context-specific toolbars for different block types make it easy to make changes.

A visual of the preview function that shows desktop, tablet, and mobile viewsA visual of the preview function that shows desktop, tablet, and mobile views

Users will put content into responsive blocks and will be able to preview their content on different screen sizes.

Timeline and Enablement

We know that timing is crucial for your planning. Here is our current timeline:

  • Closed Beta: From now until the end of November, we will be in a closed beta. We are keeping this phase closed as we are actively developing and working with institutions committed to testing changes as they are released.
  • Open Beta: At the end of November (exact date TBD), we will move to open beta, allowing any institution interested to try the Block Editor in their beta instance.
  • Feature Preview Release: We plan to go into production on January 18 as a Feature Preview, meaning we will remain in active development and continue iterating to create a comprehensive Canvas feature set. The Feature Preview will also be optional, allowing institutions to opt in as it meets their needs.

*Please note that if we uncover any significant issues during the beta, the production release date may shift.

What’s Next

I hope you’re as excited as I am about the opportunities presented by the Block Editor, and I cannot wait to see how it transforms your content-building experience in Canvas! In the short term, we’ll continue to iterate based on feedback from our closed beta group. After the release, we’ll focus on addressing less common use cases that are important for moving out of Feature Preview. While it’s too early to prioritize or finalize additional roadmap features, we are considering popular requests, such as institutional templates, custom blocks, institutional branding, and locking templates.

As we approach the launch date, I’ll share more details about how the Block Editor will function and let you see what it looks like for yourself!

Community Champion
  1. I see there's an option to start from a blank page, which is crucial for us. Will this basically function as the current RCE functions? (In other words, if we use the blank page, does that make the block editor essentially optional?)
  2. Will we still be able to edit the HTML (either from a blank page or in one of the templates)?
  3. Will the RCE be available?
  4. On the same page, will we be able to toggle between block editor, RCE, and HTML?
  5. What does "prevent educators from creating inaccessible content" mean, exactly? How will you prevent that?
  6. The article mentions this is in part an effort to help promote accessible web design practices. Do you have plans to enhance the accessibility checker to align with WCAG 2.1 standards? How is that accessibility checker integrated into this block editor?
  7. Will block editor be compatible with tools like the UDOIT accessibility checker?
Community Novice

Will any of the blocks/templates be editable by users? For example, things like the colors and images in each?

Community Coach
Community Coach

This is very interesting! This also has me pondering if these are these to be customizable/ editable via the HTML or via the Theme settings and/or CSS?  Or perhaps an admin will be able to adjust which layouts are visible. I imagine institutions may wish to promote certain colors, for example, due to branding.

If I were using this tool as a designer, I would want to be able to select a certain style (colors/ font/ headings) and then be able to filter so I see pages / block content that match up with that style. I would want this as I am assuming there will be dozens of page layout and color choices. 

I also wonder how will this interact with CIDI DesignPLUS. Is this a tool that can used in conjunction with DesignPLUS or was it built as an alternative? I sense the latter.

Will the highlighted text and link be included for faculty to see? Perhaps that is just for the closed beta or perhaps just for an admin to see.



Community Contributor

Will we be able to set local templates at Account and Sub-Account level ??

Community Participant

I agree with @paul_fynn . The ability to control the settings for the Block Editor at an account level will be essential. We may want to limit colour pallet for example or restrict some of the block choices or disable the Block Editor for some sub-accounts. 

I cannot see any Admin level settings at the moment.


Community Coach
Community Coach

Will custom Themes (Account CSS) be applied to the block editor? 

Followup, will there be new settings to the Themes (Account CSS) for the block editor if it doesn't already apply those settings?

And like someone else asked, will a school be able to provide preset "templates" and/or also disallow some of the one provided?

Like - I really like that you've given the option to Preview in Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop. That will be very useful!

Community Contributor

Great News. 

  • Open Beta: At the end of November (exact date TBD), we will move to open beta, allowing any institution interested to try the Block Editor in their beta instance.

Let us know.  We would really like to test this out at Ventura College.  I think Oxnard and Moorpark would too. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

My institution has been considering purchasing Cidi Labs DesignPLUS. For a variety of reasons, we have been holding off because we are also aware of this new feature and curious how it compares to DesignPLUS. I hope that Instructure and/or Cidi Labs provides a basic comparison for other insitutions that are in a similar situation.

Community Participant
Community Contributor

Will schools be able to upload individually created templates to be used by instructors/designers throughout their instance?

Community Participant

Hi @AllisonHowell , thank you for the update on this wonderful new feature. When will it be available to test out?

Community Explorer

Hello will it be possible to apply the block editor template to existing pages once its available in open BETA?.
value being saving academics time not having to recreate pages in a new template from scratch.

Community Explorer

I have the same question as  @DannyTan It would be awesome if this could be an easy way to redesign pages in a course and make the course much more user friendly in doing so.

Community Participant

Hello.  Do you happen to have any update on when this will be released in Beta so that we can test it out? Thank you.

Community Participant

We are also keen to know when this will be available for testing so we have time to evaluate this before we start creating next year's courses (which we do in June, for teaching from September). 

Also, if we create a page template for teachers to add links to items within their course, will these links update dynamically when their content is copied into a new course? This would save significant time in course set up and create a real opportunity for us. 

Community Champion

Second @hmcneill point. Was hoping to see this in beta before the end of the year and want to get started reviewing as soon as possible.

So, had our APAC 2024 product review presentation today and reliably informed that we will see Block Editor in open beta before the end of the month and with production in January.

Community Participant

Hi @AllisonHowell ,

Are there any updates to the timeline for the Block Editor? It would be a great help as we review the needs of instructors coming up in the new year.

I currently do not see it listed for the 1-18-25 release notes. (if it would be listed)

  • Closed Beta: From now until the end of November, we will be in a closed beta. We are keeping this phase closed as we are actively developing and working with institutions committed to testing changes as they are released.
  • Open Beta: At the end of November (exact date TBD), we will move to open beta, allowing any institution interested to try the Block Editor in their beta instance.
  • Feature Preview Release: We plan to go into production on January 18 as a Feature Preview, meaning we will remain in active development and continue iterating to create a comprehensive Canvas feature set. The Feature Preview will also be optional, allowing institutions to opt in as it meets their needs.


Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you @dbrace! I came here to do exactly that. It has been such a privilege to work on the Block Editor, but I have transitioned to another team and Zoe will be updating on timelines moving forward. Please check out her post!

Community Explorer

This looks great - and the selection of pages to choose from is very good.

On a minor note, when you swap the screen size the text does not wrap-around as shown in this image 


Text disappearsText disappears

Community Participant

Hi, what about course links? If you for example want to link an image, a tab or a word to a specific course element, will you have to copy the url beforehand or what? Will course links be available? in the future? (soon)

Community Member

Could there be a block element for plug-ins? I'd love to see if there were a way to get our ConexED plug in as a block.


Community Participant

Any information when this feature is planned to be released in production?

Community Explorer

Hi there everyone - is it clear if Canvas intend to launch Studio with the Block Editor? At the moment there is a 'media' option in there but not the full version of studio. I have asked but not got very far. At least that would be something considering you can't embed media using the BE. Apologies if this has already been posted. 

Community Member

Hi everyone!

I am very excited about block editor, but can't seem to find the html editor like when we are using RCE. Am I just missing it?


Community Explorer

I learned the hard way - when I updated to the new RCE I lost access to the HTML option - the other Educational Media developers learnt from this as HTML is too important for us.

Community Explorer

Other comments/questions from our testing:

  • You can’t edit in the Block editor from an existing page. Will this change in the future? Will currently created pages be updated with this option if so?
  • If you close the ‘beta will be reset after a week’ popup, it closes your options/popup window.
  • When I went to change a colour in a text block, the popup is cut off and I can’t scroll. This is the case across all sizes/resolution monitors that I can see. You can only see everything by using the maximise arrows.



  • Sometimes you have to scroll across to see the options on buttons (seems to be when button is on the far right as an example)



  • Is there a way to change button border width?


  • Will we have the option to view/edit in HTML or will this not be available? Will we be able to go between the two views?

  • A live preview would be great while choosing colours. You can’t see until you ‘Apply’ and the selection circle is small and white.


  • AnneMarie_3-1739846030747.png


    Spelling mistake (checck) under the ‘Add Content’ panel on the right


  • Can we make custom icons?


  • How do you add an external video? We couldn’t see where to add in the Media Block. Does it have to be a weblink?
  • Something for the wishlist is to reinstate accordians.
Community Member

Is there a timeline for LTI/external tool blocks? We use Panopto as our video host and have several other tools we embed within pages.

Community Coach
Community Coach

@AllisonHowell - One of the IDs in my department has found a small bug.

When adding a new Page from the Modules area, the option to use the block editor does not appear.

Steps to Replicate:

  • Click on Modules
  • For a Module, click on the plus icon to "Add Item to [Module Name]"
  • Change the dropdown for the "Add"  to "Page"
  • Select the option to "Create Page"
  • Add a Page Name in the "page name" field
  • Click "Add Item"
Community Member

@AllisonHowell - Is there an update on when the Block Editor will be a feature option on regular Canvas and not just on the beta sites? My organization is very interested in using this but we don't want to put a lot of time in creating content when the beta site resets each week (unless I am misunderstanding what is reset in the beta version)? 

You said early 2025 and it is now March. I'm just wondering if the release is weeks away or months away?

Thank you for any insight you can give, I am beyond excited to start using this feature on my regular Canvas instance!


Community Member

I keep getting a "Failed to upload the image, please try again" message when trying to upload an image from my computer. It has worked before but not in the past two days. 

Also, how can I embed a video from YouTube? Or can I just put the link to it? It looks like the Add Media option only allows uploading something saved to my computer or recording a new video. Can I view a page created in block editor with the RCE or is it strictly one or the other? The RCE has features like Apps and Embed that the block editor doesn't appear to have.

Is there something like the Canvas Accessibility Checker in the block editor? It's great that it alerts you to some things like showing "fail" on color contrast when changing text color, but I don't see a checker for all accessibility issues like headings. And no way to mark an image as decorative, just to write alt text. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

@em200261 What browser are you using? It works for me on Chrome:


Screenshot 2025-03-17 at 7.29.45 PM.png