Mastery View Predictive Assessment Mississippi Validity Report (2023-24)



A new validity study conducted by the Instructure Research team confirms that the Predictive Assessments are a strong predictor of scores on the Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP) for math, ELA, and science. The findings demonstrate high correlations between the Predictive Assessments and MAAP results, underscoring the effectiveness of the assessment development process for Mississippi’s academic framework. With a large, representative sample size, this study provides strong evidence that Predictive Assessments can reliably predict student performance, helping schools identify students who may need targeted intervention or support to reach proficiency.

Learn more and read the full study here.

Summary of correlation resultsSummary of correlation results


We update studies annually to ensure ongoing assessment validity. To partner on a predictive validity study for the Mastery View Predictive Assessments, contact your Customer Success Manager.