LearnPlatform Custom Review Forms: New Feature to Support Holistic Edtech Evaluation Processes

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Over the past few months, the LearnPlatform by Instructure product team has  been conducting user research and feedback calls with districts around the United States.  A consistent theme has been the desire to drive efficiencies across a district by using LearnPlatform to reduce the overall time it takes to vet edtech products. That’s why we’re excited to share an upcoming release designed to support efficient edtech management and evaluation: Custom Review Forms.

Today, LearnPlatform allows reviewers to capture a recommendation status (in the form of a thumbs up or down) as well as optional comments. However, we’ve heard from educators that much more detailed information is typically being captured in a Google doc or file folder that gets saved and shared with other district departments when vetting a new edtech tool for approval. Custom Review Forms is designed to save that additional step and make LearnPlatform a true centralized hub for edtech vetting processes.

With the launch of Custom Review Forms, organizations using LearnPlatform can now capture detailed reviews and feedback from each and every department involved in the vetting of edtech tools. Specific questions can be assigned to the appropriate individuals so everyone can offer their own expertise–and save time searching for applicable aspects of rubrics or evaluation forms. These review forms are then stored for documentation and reference in LearnPlatform. No longer will you need to print or copy documents and send via email, or search records or files for reviewing notes when a product is up for renewal. 


Whether your teams are utilizing a checklist system or survey evaluation, Custom Review Forms will allow you to build a system to evaluate and capture information from all stakeholders involved in the vetting process.

As a bonus, Custom Review Forms will be leveraged inside our new feature–Request Workflows–coming later this summer. Watch for more information on Request Workflows, and how it will be able to automate the sending of custom review forms, coming soon!

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

1 Comment
Community Explorer

Looking forward to these updates to help streamline our district's process! Keep em' comin'!