It’s Here: Selected Themes are Open for Voting

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

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12 Themes are officially in “Open Voting” to the Community from today, April 3rd to April 28th. Over the past month, our team has been reviewing all of the themes as part of our quarterly planning and selected these themes as they:

  • Address areas that have been met with the greater controversy or pain expressed from our users
  • Align with the shifts taking place within the educational landscape, such as competency-based education and student-driven learning 
  • Are achievable and attainable by our team to deliver based on domain knowledge and capacity if prioritized by the Community


During the voting window, Community members are encouraged to:

  • Ask questions to our team or post comments on the Open for Voting themes to build a case for why others should vote for the theme (put those high school debate skills to work!)
  • Vote on themes that speak to the problems or areas that, if addressed, would bring the most value to you and your organization
  • Remember that the themes do not represent how we will solve the problem; that will be determined once it is prioritized as our team goes through discovery and planning. 
    • As prioritized themes move through discovery, we may discover that not all ideas can be addressed. Our team will update the theme accordingly and notify the Community.
  • Subscribe to themes that you have voted on or are interested in so you can easily follow new activity, including comments or change in status.
  • To learn more about how to contribute to this stage of the Ideas & Themes process, please refer to the How do I participate with themes? Community guide.


At the end of the voting period, our team will review the votes and comments to select which themes move to “prioritized” - meaning our team commits to developing solutions that solve that particular theme’s needs and will engage the community throughout the development process.


We’ve Already Released 11 Quick Win Community Submitted Ideas

One of the benefits of our new review process and grouping of ideas was that it enabled our team to more easily review all the Community requests. We organically identified a few individual ideas that would deliver value, and were small enough efforts, that we just went ahead and developed 11 of your Community submitted ideas (see list below) that have already been released.


Please continue to provide your feedback via our feedback form as collecting feedback in a structured way results in greater insights. Once we get through a full cycle of voting and prioritization, we will determine what to change, if needed.

Edited 2023.04.06 to include Ideas featured in the recent Studio release.

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.