Installing LTI 1.3 Tools is Easier than Ever with Dynamic Registration

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.


We know that the most powerful aspect of Canvas LMS is its flexibility and extensibility. With our 900+ integration partners, Canvas LMS offers educators the power to seamlessly leverage tools that are right for their students, teachers, and administrators and build a truly customized digital teaching and learning environment. That’s why we’re super excited to announce that with our latest release we’ll be supporting the 1EdTech Dynamic Registration Specification–which means it’s going to be easier than ever to install LTI v1.3 tools. 

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Until now, it’s taken Canvas administrators nine or more steps to install a single LTI tool–that’s a lot of clicks, and a lot of time. Going forward, for LTI 1.3 tools that have implemented Dynamic Registration specification, we’ve reduced the necessary steps down to just six. The process is also now housed in a much more user-friendly interface that’s easy to navigate, highlights the most critical information about the install process, and reduces opportunity for error. 

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One of the biggest benefits of these new LTI v1.3 tool installation and management processes is that they minimize data privacy and security risks. Since the new processes were built in accordance with the 1EdTech Dynamic Registration Specification, you can feel confident they adhere to the latest data privacy best practices. With a simple checkbox design, the new interface provides clear visibility to the data permissions available and selected when installing a new tool–minimizing the risk of unintentionally allowing a tool inappropriate data access.


LTI integrations are a key component of Canvas LMS that help educators and administrators tailor the system to their unique needs. These partner tools are critical to your success, so we’re committed to continuing to make the process of installing, managing, and using LTI tools in your Canvas LMS environment easier and more impactful. These updates are just the beginning–watch for continued LTI v1.3 installation and management updates throughout the year! 

Want to help us continue to streamline LTI processes in Canvas? Complete this short survey and we will contact you with future research opportunities!

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.