FEEDBACK OPPORTUNITY: Help us improve your experience with Canvas Pages!

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Canvas Pages are a unique and powerful tool for content delivery and collaboration, but we’re looking to make some changes to allow instructors to change the title of a page without worrying about links breaking. We are hoping to gain a deeper understanding of how you use Pages so that we implement the right solution.

Whether you’re an admin, instructor, instructional designer, or any other role, if you've used Pages we want to hear from you! Click here to take the survey. 

Thank you for helping us make Canvas better!

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The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Community Participant

This is a great initiative. I'd be highly interested in the capability of having the home page link change dynamically while copying course content.  We have enormous amounts of courses in our environment where Home page is designed to be a clickable button on multiple elements of the course such as Pages, Announcements, Assignments etc and all those button become useless and broken when the course is rolled over just because the Home page [ ] does not change dynamically to new course. 

It is understandable that the contents of the links are changed dynamically AFTER the course ID (####/ in above example) but something that allows to update Home page too will be very good.  

Community Participant

@JayParekh That sounds very frustrating! Are you using course links on your pages?
We have a standard "welcome page" set up which is used as home page on most of our courses and have not needed to update the links when a new course is set up/rolled over. We primarily use blueprints and associated courses to create our new courses but also do a fair amount of copying from a previous course.

On our "welcome page" as we call it, we have "buttons" to link to other places on the individual course site. We created this by making a small 1 row table with 4 columns, so 4 cells total for 4 buttons. In each cell, we have an image which is in effect our very basic button. We have then added a "course link" on the image/cell. One links to the syllabus tab, one to the modules tab, one to a separate page (or sometimes an external link) for schedule information, and the 4th links to an institution public course with supplemental information.

The course links used here have not broken for us when we take a copy of the course or make a new course by associating to a blueprint. I believe the key is to use the "course links" option when you add a link then select the Canvas object you want to link to. if you scroll to the bottom of the cousre links options there's an area called "Course Navigation" which is what we use for pointing to Syllabus and Modules.

Community Contributor

Very happy to hear about this development! I would love for pages to be assigned a numeric value by default, so that changing the page name at a later date would not break any previously-created links (as is the case currently).

I think this is a nice implementation, in that it would allow instructors who prefer the page title in the URL to retain that option, but I would want that to no longer be the default.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you for the opportunity to offer our feedback! 

Community Participant

I would love to see the ability to have html code available to transform a page automatically. And what I mean by this is, if I don't know html but know what I want to have happen on a page, that I can scan through a list of html code - where the output of the html is listed using layman terms of what that code will do - so that I can then choose that code and input what I need and hit submit and Wa La! The page has what I want it to have - for instance, I don't know the html code for an accordian list (not even sure that's a thing) where I have a main topic with a '+' symbol next to it, and when I click on that '+', I'm given a list of additional resources/a deeper dive if you will. Dreams can come true right? 

I'd also love to see the use of ChatGPT AI as well...Heather 

Community Member

There are (at least) two typos on this survey with regard to capitalization (PLease, THank you).