Ensure reliable and secure assessments by shuffling answer choices on Mastery assessments



Enhance the integrity of your assessments with the option to shuffle answer options for any item based assessment in Mastery Connect. We’re thrilled to deliver this highly requested feature, designed to increase your confidence in the accuracy of students’ test results. 

With this feature, both educators and administrators have the option to automatically randomize the answers available on all relevant question types. This includes questions for Multiple Choice types, Fill in the Blanks (Cloze) types, and Classify, Match & Order types.

Educators go to the assessment in their Mastery Tracker and enable Shuffle Answers as part of the Tools and Accommodations. 


Administrators set shuffle answers for district benchmarks as part of the benchmark Tools and Accommodation settings. 




Important notes:

  • Question Shuffling: We understand the importance of shuffling questions in maintaining the security of your assessments. While this update does not include this functionality, we hope to explore this in future product development work. 


Try using shuffle answers today to reinforce assessment security and ensure your students' results accurately reflect their knowledge.