Embarking on Change: Legacy Canvas Credentials LTI Phased Sunset

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.



Hello Canvas Credentials Community,

Today marks a significant milestone in our journey together. We're here to share crucial updates about the future of Canvas Credentials LTI, focusing specifically on the phased sunset of its legacy version.


More than a year has passed since the release of the upgraded Canvas Credentials LTI, accompanied by an extensive transition guide. While a significant number of users have successfully adopted the new version, there are still instances of legacy installations in use.



Charting Our Path Forward:

Recognizing the need for a streamlined and cohesive user experience, we have made the strategic decision to sunset the legacy Canvas Credentials LTI. This deliberate move is designed to encourage users to adopt the upgraded version, where they can benefit from enhanced features, improved performance, and continuous support. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible credentialing experience by focusing our efforts on the latest iteration of Canvas Credentials LTI.

Ensuring Feature Parity and Addressing Concerns:

The sunset of legacy installations will happen incrementally, extending until the end of the first half of 2024. We want to emphasize that the sunset will only occur once we have addressed all concerns and achieved feature parity between the legacy and upgraded versions. Therefore, we encourage everyone with concerns hindering them from upgrading to the new version to share their thoughts in a comment or reach out via support or their CSMs.

Upgrade Guide:

Starting now, support for legacy, non-upgraded LTI installations ceases. Upgrading ensures an optimized user experience and secures uninterrupted support for your credentialing journey. If you are still utilizing the legacy Canvas Credentials LTI, refer to this step-by-step guide here for a seamless and hassle-free upgrade process.

Starting immediately, any new assertions manually awarded via the standalone Credentials UI or through the Public API will cease to appear in the previous LTI version. Instead, the former LTI version will solely feature assertions automatically awarded based on the objectives defined within Canvas courses. This shift reflects our dedication to refining user experiences and improving platform functionality. Upon upgrading a course to utilize the new Credentials LTI experience, these assertions will seamlessly appear automatically.

In Closing:

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this pivotal phase of our journey. Should you encounter challenges or have questions about the upgrade, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Stay tuned as we collectively navigate towards an enriched credentialing experience.


Best regards,

Canvas Credentials team

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Will there continue to be a free badging option to use for individual instructors?


@JamesSekcienski yes, absolutely.

The only element scheduled for phased sunset is the outdated LTI version's legacy view (which you can see on the screenshot). Neither the feature set of the free nor the paid options will undergo alterations; we are simply phasing out the old to make way for the new.

Community Champion

Has there been any movement towards making Canvas Credential COPPA compliant for you K-12 userbase?


"Canvas Badges/Credentials users below age 13 The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act  restricts the type of information about young users that may be stored on a web service, including identifiers like email addresses, without obtaining permission from parents/guardians. We don't provide specific legal advice to organizations seeking to use Canvas Badges/Credentials, but we can be clear about what information is stored on database and caches. We store a small amount of student information as it's reported to us. That includes the email address of the recipient, but not the name, unless you are using the optional leaderboard feature and the student checks the opt-in box, sharing their real name. Otherwise, we only store the email address that Canvas reports to us. All students who view Canvas Badges/Credentials via the Canvas app will be able to see badges they've earned and follow their progress through courses. In a future version, we'll be implementing an upgraded workflow for under-13 users."



This hasn't changed yet, but it is still on our future roadmap, we will announce any changes regarding this topic when they happen. 


Community Participant

@DoraJekkel, I apologize in advance, but I'm confused about what an institution that plans to stay on the free version is supposed to do. 

I read the linked instructions, and the instructions keep talking about 'upgrades'. Does this mean upgrading to the paid plan? 

Can you outline what an institution is supposed to do if they intend to stay on the free version of the product? 

Thank you.


Hi @juliejohnson!

This change only affects the users who are still using the old version of the LTI, which is presented on the screenshot. If you are using it, you just have to push the "Upgrade course" button, in order to upgrade the appearance of you LTI version. 

After the upgrade you will be still able to use the free version, just not on the old user interface, only the visual appearance will change for you. 

Please let me know if you have further questions!


Community Member

I cannot see the consumer key or shared secret when I login to Canvas Badges. The box where they should be are empty. When I click the copy button, nothing is copied.

Community Participant

@DoraJekkel  I've upgraded using your steps and still struggling to get Badgr set up in our Canvas account, I'm hoping someone can help. I've enabled it in this course area but keep getting the below message after clicking 'Badges' in the left hand side panel. I was also unable to get the consumer key and shared secret from our account and can't seem to figure out where I'd locate that information either. 

As far as I'm aware I am an administrator on our Canvas instance , as that is my role at the school (and in the roles section of the account). What am I missing? We created an issuer in our Canvas Badges account as well...

Screenshot 2024-07-09 5.15.32 PM.png

Tagging @SaraCot in the event they got an answer or still needs help too.

Community Member

I also cannot see the consumer key or shared secret when I log in to Canvas Badges.  The box where they should be are empty. When I click the copy button, nothing is copied. Any suggestions?  

Community Member

I am experiencing the same problem where I am unable to see the consumer key and shared secret. Is there any advice on to resolve the problem.