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More Than Words: Vocabulary Quizzes

Posted 4/29/2016



Search the term 'vocabulary' and you'll discover many publicly-shared resources in Commons - from quizzes that increase topical understanding (i.e., Genetics quiz) to general language-building (i.e., English, Spanish quizzes). For K12 students, new words is just part of their on-going language development during these critical learning years.


We found suffix and prefix quizzes ("Vocab List #3 Suffixes" shared by Alexandra Kent, Penn Harris Madison Schools; "Prefix 'Bi' Vocabulary Quiz" shared by Kristina Swift, Lexington City Schools). Among some of the harder vocabulary quizzes was Hohl Aaron's "Vocab Quiz #14" which included words like 'opprobrium' (stumping even us)! And of course, the must-haves in poetic writing, the synonyms and antonyms quizzes (i.e., "Antonyms and Synonyms" shared by Lisa Rice, Jenks Public Schools).


Best part about importing these quizzes is the mixing-and-matching of a variety of questions!


Click to read the rest of More Than Words: Vocabulary Quizzes



Earth Day Resources

Posted 4/20/2016


179594_pastedImage_6.pngLet's take a bit of a departure from our monthly theme of 'poetry' and focus on Earth Day (which is April 22, 2016). If you're looking for ways to leverage Earth Day activities in your courses or just want to get inspired by photos of our beautiful, green earth, then this post is for you!


Pollution Awareness

If you're looking for an activity on the effects of pollution, look no further. Tyson McClain from State of Mississippi RCU created a quiz (26 questions) called "The Ecosystem/Pollution" emphasizing nature's harmful surroundings. Designed for 6th graders, but can easily be modified for younger and older grades, as well.


Click to read the rest of Earth Day Resources



Love is a Many-Splendored Thing

Posted 4/14/2016



In continuing the spirit of National Poetry Month, we wanted to dedicate this week's blog post to love. Many times, poetry is written as a means to demonstrate and describe feelings of love. Well, there's certainly no shortage of love in Commons public.


Classic Love Sonnets

A sonnet is a poem made up of 14 lines of iambic pentameter. And who's better at iambic pentameter than William Shakespeare, right? In searching our resources for the famous love story of Romeo and Juliet, we found many assignments, quizzes and modules worth importing (Thanks to: Jennifer Murray, Joseph Wolf, Dawn Nummer, and Corie McAbee). We found  @816c37bca4eae28 ​'s (from Kern High School District) module "Romeo and Juliet" to be quite comprehensive. While there are a few parts in the module that require permission to access a Google Doc, the rest of the module is chalk-full of great ideas worth importing and remixing to meet your classroom's needs. We thought the study guide files (which can easily be translated to Canvas page) for each act were great in helping students break things down into 4 awareness areas.


Click to read the rest of Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing




Poetic Commons

Posted 4/7/2016


April is National Poetry Month, so we thought it would be 'poetic' to feature Commons resources that align with this theme. From rhyme to rhythm, here were the resources that stood out.


Poetry Literary Devices

If you're looking for a simple pop quiz to post in your high-school writing class this month, look to Rosa Gaskins. She has created the perfect resource for you. Check out her quiz "Poetry Literary Devices" and import this short 10-question quiz into your course today. (We must admit, we took the quiz and it was painfully easy - how's that for an oxymoron! Ha!)


I've Got Rhythm...

For a more comprehensive resource, check out the module entitled "Reading Review with Rhyme and Rhythm" by Mary Weir, from Charlottesville City Schools. This lesson breaks down poetry elements into different 'activity stations' (aka pages), which could be great for 7, 8 graders. Students watch videos at each station to learn about tone, mood, figurative language, inferences, and more! Each station are links to Youtube videos and discussion prompts. There are some stand-alone aspects of this module that one could import and re-mix (or fold) into a greater lesson. Or, keep the module as a whole. Overall, great way to deliver this topic.

Click to read the rest of Poetic Commons



Making Canvas Training Fun

Posted 3/30/2016



If you search Commons (public) for Canvas training materials, you'll get a solid array of resources! Whether it's  @canvas_admin ​'s "Professor-TA Training Course" or  @kmeeusen 's "Advanced Canvas Training Course" or stefaniesanders​' "Canvas' Best-Kept Secrets" (inspired by Re: Your ideas of Canvas' best kept secrets), most of these resources are chalk-full of tips to help acclimate faculty to Canvas and enhance the training experience.


But then we find a gem that makes us smile, knowing there are so many teachers out there being creative with their trainings. This month, we discovered  @ebaker ​'s interactive course "Gamified, Self-paced, Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Training for Faculty". We couldn't help but import the course and check out the adventure for ourselves!

Click to read the rest of Making Canvas Training Fun!



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