Course- and Term-Based Messaging with Impact | Ideas & Themes Update

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.



In February of 2023, Instructure launched a new Ideas and Themes area of the Community. The first round of prioritization and voting happened in February of 2023 starting with just a few Instructure products and then the second round of prioritization and voting happened in October 2023 and Impact was excited to take part! As a result of the voting, the top vote-getter was Course- and Term-Based Messaging and we prioritized it for discovery as promised.

One of our Impact R&D teams just finished participating in a discovery and design sprint to brainstorm and sketch ideas on how to best provide Impact Admin the ability to target one or more course(s) and/or one or more term(s) for messaging with Impact. It was very exciting and fun to have a cross-functional group working to innovate in creative ways to solve real world problems using magical thinking! As a result, two very different design prototypes were created for validation and testing by users and we met with several different institutions to get their input and find out what was most valuable. These user testing sessions are now complete and we have clear direction and insight from which we'll be moving forward on this impelling new feature immediately! The next steps will be to create the finalized design and move onto development. We are committed to user-centric design and development and are grateful for your partnership in the development process. Currently, we are targeting a Q3 release for this and can’t wait to get this in your hands very soon! 

Image of Panda creating an in-app messageImage of Panda creating an in-app message

Disclaimer: Image above created with AI and doesn't represent what will actually be in final product. 🙂 

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.