Assignment Submission History

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

As part of the discovery phase in our product development process, we are looking to improve our Assignment Enhancements beta feature. We want to add the ability to see what has happened with an assignment submission over time to better facilitate conversations between teachers and students.

This should clearly mark specific events for each submission on an assignment

  • submission
  • updates to submissions
  • timestamps for grading activities and comments


In these designs, is it clear how you would do the following...

  • How do I review the submission history?
  • Does the history page show me everything that I would care about?

Please share your thoughts on how easy, difficult or useful the submission history page feels with this design concept.

For more background and history on Assignment Enhancements, please see the Student Enhancements User Group.

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The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Community Explorer


How do I review the submission history?

The link to view the submission history is visible in the upper right corner and is in a location similar to the current interface.

The drop down box being centered is well situated for quickly moving between attempts.

The number of attempts is directly above the availability dates but because the font is similar to the due date I overlooked the number of attempts several times.  Would it work better if it was directly above the drop down box for choosing the attempt to view?

Does the history page show me everything that I would care about?

A visual cue for new comments on an attempt might be nice.  Maybe something general near the drop down box that new comments are available and then when the drop down box is opened there is a visual cue of some kind indicating for which attempt there is a comment?


I love how it looks.  I am unfamiliar with the beta environment, is it possible for me to view this in the beta environment and play with it?

Community Explorer

From my initial view of the page, I thought it was very busy. It took me a moment to gather my thoughts and work my way through the page. I do think everything needed is there, AS LONG AS, submission history remains. The current environment where students lose feedback and access to previous submissions is disrupting the learning process. 

I do like the timeline feature for available, uploaded, submitted, graded. 

Thank you! When does this become available? We want it now if we can get the submission history! 🙂 

Community Coach
Community Coach

I've reviewed the features on beta and here are a few thoughts:

  • At first I was unsure what 'available' meant on the new submission progression timeline but then I recalled that one can set an availability date or a prerequisite.  I assume when that when configured as such it will say something like 'Available on date'.
  • The pulsing green circle draws my attention and I want to click on it.  When I scroll  down the page the circle continues to pulse and no longer has a label. Is this not a distractor taking attention away from reading the assignment instructions?  Perhaps the green color could be applied to the circle line but not filled in until the action is taken?   When I mouseover the pulsing image there is no alt text stating 'Upload', etc.
  • Do many students view the score, submission and markup, comments, and rubrics via the assignment page itself or more so via Grades?   I ponder this as in this new view these items are separated on the page or on different tabs.  So if I wanted to concurrently review two elements such as the rubric and the comments and/or the markup on the document I cannot.  This has me wondering if the submission details under Grades will be changing to this format as well?  It sure is a challenge getting all the different ways instructors can post feedback onto the same page.   Thinking out loud here, but if the instructor doesn't post comments or bypass the rubric the student won't know this until the click on the tab.  Should there be some text such as 'no comments' or 'rubric not used in score calculation'?
  • Toward the top the following text appears:  'Calculated by: Most Recent'.   Most Recent appears with a hyperlink, but this is not clickable.

Have a nice day ~!

Community Participant

Assignment Submission Attempts should be viewable from the Grades/Feedback area. Right now, if a student is viewing feedback/comments on a submission attempt, the only way for them to view previous submission attempts is to click on the "Re-submit Assignment" button which is not intuitive. 

Community Member


Community Member

I'm not sure if I'm missing this, but I can't seem to identify where students can delete a submission?  Or a way for me as the teacher to delete a student's submission?

Community Champion

Students and instructors cannot delete a submission. You local admin should be able to do so.