Partner Listing: iorad - the fastest tutorial builder on the planet
iorad was built to streamline task training by enabling users to generate step-by-step tutorials with ease. Just click capture then complete your actions as you normally would online and iorad automatically generates your tutorial. With the Canvas for iorad integration, experts can quickly create tutorials and embed them within a course for a seamless user experience.
Create with efficiency
Copy and pasting screenshots is a thing of the past. With iorad, you can save huge chunks of time by creating customizable tutorials at the click of a button.
Maximize learner retention
Learning isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. iorad automatically provides your tutorials in a variety of different formats, including video, step-list, quiz, and more, so your learners can choose the style that fits them best.
Simplify sharing and measure results
Your team spends valuable time creating content, they don’t need to spend more delivering it. By leveraging Canvas and iorad you can embed tutorials directly into your courses and measure the impact on your learners over time.
Don't just take our word for it...
Here is Thom the founder of NewEd Tech Classroom - one of the largest EdTech Youtubers!
Or Watch Joshua Johnson - Director of Academic Technology at Wisconsin Lutheran College
iorad Feature |
Text to Speech VoiceOver Audio |
Quiz Mode |
Learner Dashboard |
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