New Quizzes File Upload - play media in Canvas

Community Participant

Hi everyone,

I have a kind of specific case and I'm wondering if there's an option that I'm missing that will help streamline things.

I built the assignments for one of my classes in New Quizzes. In each assignment, students work in several stations to build a model or label/identify features on a model, then either take a photo or a video of their work to upload for the assignment. Since each assignment has several stations and different instructions for each station, I didn't want to have the assignment be one large file upload assignment; it makes a bit more sense both for the students to understand what's going on and for grading to have the stations as individual questions. 

I've figured out the limitations of Canvas as far as images goes (JPEGs and PNGs will load a thumbnail and pop up in Canvas, but the default iPhone format forces a download of the image). Where I'm running into difficulty is the videos. So far, I've seen students upload videos that are .mov format and those force a download rather than play in the assignment window.

Are there any video file formats that can be uploaded as a student response in New Quizzes that will play in the browser window?