How to reopen a New Canvas quiz for student who never took it, deadline is passed

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I have several students who missed the dated deadline on a New Canvas quiz. I tried to follow these helpful instructions to reopen the quiz so that they could take it:


When  click on the "moderate" button next to the student's name, I am NOT getting the "Reopen" option or the "Accept" message. On my Canvas it is going directly to the second part "Manage attempts" where I should be able to add another attempt for the student. I've added one more attempt, but the student still can't get into the quiz. 

When I click on the "moderate" button next to a student who has already taken the quiz, I do get the "Reopen" button. But I don't need to reopen the quiz for these students.

Please help!


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @aefaivre,

I believe what you'll need to do, depending on exactly how you set the quiz and dates up, is extend the quiz due and availability dates for the specific students you're granting an extension to.  This is different than adding another attempt or moderating current attempts.  You can follow the  How do I assign an assignment to an individual stu... - Instructure Community - 717  guide for this, but be sure to keep the "everyone else" group with the original availability and due dates, otherwise their grades may disappear completely.

Let us know if this works for you!


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