[Mastery Connect] Partial match per response Scoring with multiple responses per container

Problem statement:

We are using Label image with Drag and Drop for many items on our fine arts assessments as it creates the most authentic experience towards assessing music theory questions. However, the auto grade feature does not accommodate our needs, since many of our responses require multiple parts to answer. While we can set it up to allow for multiple responses per container and to allow for duplicate responses, we need the auto grade to give a partial point for a partially correct answer. For example, there may be two responses per a container, but each part of that response should receive points since part of that answer was correct. Right now, if the answer is A and B, it will not award points if a student selects just A. Even if we create an additional answer key, it will only award points based on the parameters of a single answer key. Furthermore, if we create two containers, then students have to apply a specific answer to that specific container in order to get point.

Proposed solution:

This problem creates significant limitations towards autograding and how we are able to set up questions. With an enormous amount of permutations to answers that have multiple parts, it is not feasible to submit different answer keys. An additional checkbox that allows for "Partial grading for partial answers within a response container" would provide needed flexibility. Essentially this feature will assign the point value selected for each correct answer to each answer ASSIGNED to a response container. In other words, if response container 1 has response A, that response container is worth 1 point. Whereas, if response container 2 has response A and response B, then that container is worth a total of 2 points, and would grant 1 point if EITHER response A or response B is selected. When we are trying to build on concepts, we are looking for students to apply deeper knowledge answers. When looking at a chord for example, we can describe it in many ways (quality, inversion, chord relationship/roman numerals, etc). Each description is correct, but the more information students provide (or are asked to provide) the more points they should receive.

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