[Mastery Connect] Adding Audio/Video File Upload or Audio/video Record features as a question type in Mastery Connect
Currently there is no way to submit audio (or video) files for any question type in Mastery Connect. This would be an ideal feature for Fine Arts as authentic assessments within many of our disciplines require performance based evidence. This evidence comes in the form of instrumental performance for ensemble based courses like band, chorus, orchestra and singing in music theory, as well as picture/video evidence for art based courses for completed projects or evidence of specific skills that can not be duplicated on the computer. Furthermore, audio/video upload may help with other content areas that require public speaking and/or a method to combat using AI to answer text based or multiple choice questions.
Audio/Video upload can be an added feature in the rich/text question type (similar to how you can enable students to upload an image), or a separate question type altogether. Ideally, students would be able to see a piece of music in the question prompt, and then have the ability to record as a means of answering the question. Mastery connect does not have many features that accommodate the specific needs of disciplines within Fine Arts. This feature would allow us to create more robust and authentic assessments, and convert assessments we currently have into mastery connect versions. It also allows us to collect the evidence of student performance that is authentic to each discipline, and provides a clearer link between performance and grades.