Exploring the Student View of Mastery Connect



Exploring the Student View of Mastery Connect 


Student Assessment Experience

Students can easily access their assessments through Mastery Connect or through Canvas, once the teacher has made the assessment available to them. 

Mastery Connect Users

  • Students can go to masteryconnect.com or use the school/district single-sign portal to access Mastery Connect. 
  • The home page will display a stream of assessments from all of the student’s current courses.
  • Any assessment a student has not started or completed will be noted as Start Assessment.
  • Clicking Start Assessment will take the student directly to the assessment.
  • In the assessment, students can easily toggle between questions and access any test tools that have been enabled.
  • When the student completes the assessment, they select Finish in the upper right hand corner.

Canvas + Mastery Connect Users

  • Students can go to instructure.com or use the school/district single-sign portal to access Canvas.
  • When using the Canvas + Mastery Connect Integration, each Canvas course has its own mastery tracker.
  • After opening a Canvas course, students can select Assignments from the course navigation bar.
  • Locate the Mastery Connect assessment and click it. This will direct the student to the assessment within the Canvas experience. 
  • In the assessment, students can easily toggle between questions and access any test tools that have been enabled.
  • When the student completes the assessment, they select Finish in the upper right hand corner.

Features in the Student View 

Students can view their progress towards mastery in each of their courses. This is a great way to get students involved in their learning, as well as keeping parents informed.

Mastery Connect Users

  • Select the Classes tab.
  • Click a class from the list of trackers.
  • From the sub navigation bar click Progress.
  • This will display student’s progress towards mastery on each standard in the course.
  • On the right-hand side the student will see what percentage of the standards assessed they have mastered, as well as be able to view reports. 
  • Students can expand each standard to preview their progress across several assessments.
  • Select an assessment, and if the teacher has enabled the student to see the assessment, they can toggle between the Assessment, Student Answers, and Item Analysis tabs. 

Canvas + Mastery Connect Users

  • Select Mastery Tracker from within a Canvas course’s navigation bar.
  • This will display student’s progress towards mastery on each standard in the course.
  • On the right-hand side the student will see what percentage of the standards assessed they have mastered, as well as be able to view reports. 
  • Students can expand each standard to preview their progress across several assessments.
  • Select an assessment, and if the teacher has enabled the student to see the assessment, they can toggle between the Assessment, Student Answers, and Item Analysis tabs. 

Student Access to Assessments 

Teachers control what pieces of assessments the students have access to after submitting. They also control when students gain access. Mastery Connect users and Canvas + Mastery Connect users adjust the settings the same way. However, Canvas + Mastery Connect users can also change this setting in a secondary way, described below.

All Users: Changing Privacy Settings from the Mastery Tracker

  • From the main tracker screen locate the assignment you would like to change the access to.
  • Hover over the name and select View from the drop down menu.
  • Select the Privacy tab.
  • The teacher can choose to adjust access to the Assessment, Answer Key, Item Analysis, and Student Answers here.
  • Click Save.

Canvas + Mastery Connect Users: Changing Privacy Settings from the Assignment

  • Select Assignments from the Canvas course navigation bar.
  • Click the assignment you wish to change the privacy settings for.
  • Select the Privacy tab.
  • The teacher can choose to adjust access to the Assessment, Answer Key, Item Analysis, and Student Answers here.
  • Click Save.

After a class or group of students have completed an assessment, give your students access to the assessment and their answers.

Have students review the assessment and their answers.

Ask students to look at the questions they answered incorrectly and analyze the questions and answers.

Challenge them to determine the correct answer and their misconception. 



To truly leverage the full capability of Mastery Connect, we must involve our students in the data process. Within Mastery Connect, students have access to monitor their own progress towards mastery. Providing students the opportunity to see their growth generates student agency, while also giving them specific areas to focus on. 

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Also don't forget to watch the Video Blog about this post as well!