Technology and App Fails

Community Participant

So I'm a little disappointed in the badge collecting secret mission game. I diligently collected badges yesterday. However, after the AM keynote, things have not been so hot. I was never able to get the badge for the keynote as the app kept timing out and crashing; I got several "we are sorry, there is a problem connecting to the server" errors.  Then, for the next several hours, every time I time I tried to look at the badges, it forced me to re-log in, confirm my email...then it would start the cycle over again... It is now letting me in again but since I missed the AM badge, I guess my identity has been compromised and I'm out. Good luck to remaining players! to try to watch each keynote in the room I want to go to the next breakout in so that I don't get turned away for the rooms being too full as I was all morning...