Gotta collect 'em all

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>> I wanna be the very best

>> Like no one ever was

>> to collect them is my real test

>> to save them is my cause


>>I will travel across the 'Con

>>Searching far and wide

>>Dropout Detective buttons

>>that I can wear with pride

--- Sung to the tune of Pokemon theme song Smiley Happy

Once the Pandamon Go challenge was announced, the engineering department at AspirEDU tried to decide if we could whip up a hot new AR (Augmented Reality) game over the weekend to play at InstructureCon. The answer was no - we were too busy rolling out new features for our clients​ so we came up with an RR (Real Reality) game instead.


We have brought five kinds of buttons to Keystone. Your challenge: collect all five. It sounds easy but we only have a limited amount. There are a few ways to get a Dropout Detective button:

- Come by the AspirEDU table in the Partner showcase and talk to one of us - we will only be giving away one type of button here, so while we'd love to have you come by our table multiple times to chat, that won't help you get a variety of buttons Smiley Happy

- Come talk to anyone from the AspirEDU team away from our booth


Each of us will be carrying a random selection of buttons with us (although each of us might have more of a different button than the others ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). Come introduce (or re-acquaint) yourself with us and we'll be glad to give you a random button.

I did say random in there a random number of times. That's because it's possible you'll collect duplicates of a button - that's ok. Use those to trade with other attendees to get all five. It's another way to meet random people across the 'Con.

The winner will be the first person to post a picture holding or wearing all five buttons. We will have a special prize (a $299 Yeti Hopper 20 or similarly-valued Amazon gift card) for the winner as well as the Pandamon Go points.

yeti-hopperft20-1.jpg amazongc.png

Once we've declared a winner, we'll announce how the challenge system will work. The hint we'll give is: make friends with other people who have buttons.


1 Solution
Community Explorer

Ohh... What fun!! Love ASPIREDU!!

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