Canvas with Sugar on top!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

I've been walking in and out of pre-conference sessions and WOW - so much goodness happening here! Sitting in the Spoonful of Sugar Helps Canvas Go Down: Adoption Strategies​ right now and they are sharing things like "Four easy steps to help in the adoption of Canvas".  @mhintze ​ and Deactivated user​ are offering strategies on ways to implement Canvas on your campus and effectively increase adoption.

Interested in learning about these 4 steps and more? Connect with the presenters by reaching out to these ladies, personally (you can @mention or follow them in the community). Or, click on the session Spoonful of Sugar Helps Canvas Go Down: Adoption Strategies​ page on Wednesday where the conversations and resources related to this session will be open to everyone and active.

Oh, yeah... there's also this great group -- be sure to join: Canvas Strategies​ for more good stuff!

Smiley Happy