And I'm here

Community Explorer

IMG_0066.JPGOkay, so.....lets be transparent! I work for one of the best companies on the planet. Yup, I work for Instructure.

My name is Julian and I am the "Open Education Evangelist" (Best job title eva right!) based out of the Instructure Sydney office. I bet you didn't even know we had an office there.

This is my second Instructurecon and I can't wait to catch up with everyone and her their stories. This year we have more international attendees than ever before and it is really adding to the fantastic community through the sharing of even more diverse challenges and awesome achievements from teachers from around the globe.

So, if you want to chat with an Open Education Junkie, want to hear stories from Canvas use in the Land of Oz or maybe just want some TimTams (limited amounts) then track me down. Can't wait to catch up with you all.

See you around the con!