Canvas Klatch - August 17

Canvas Klatch
Published on ‎07-21-2021 02:33 PM by Community Coach | Updated on ‎08-02-2021 01:35 PM


The Canvas Klatch is an online office hour for the courses I teach for the Online Network of Educators (@ONE). This is a collaborative, system-wide network of California Community College faculty, classified professionals, and administrators. The project provides professional development that is technology based but student focused and is funded by the California Community College's Chancellor's Office.


This is an office hour, so whoever attends directs the conversation. I teach the following courses for the project:

All members of the Canvas Community are welcome to visit the office hour.

Attendees will first be placed in the Zoom Waiting Room and may be contacted via in-Zoom chat prior to joining the main room.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

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Community Coach

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Tue, Aug 17, 2021 03:00 PM MDT
Tue, Aug 17, 2021 04:00 PM MDT
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