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I have two section of the same class so the quiz settings are identical when it comes to quizzes.  For one class, when there are multiple attempts, I can see the individual attempts in speed grader using a drop down menu of attempts.   In the other ...

  • 1 Replies

In the Gradebook, the last column has exclamation marks. When I click on one of the exclamation marks, a popup says that Attendance, Quizzes, Mid-Term and Final Exam have no possible points. How do I correct this?

  • 1 Replies

Como realizo um encontro síncrono com os alunos pelo CANVAS? Preciso gerar um link para convidar os alunos. Temos uma ferramenta para isso?

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I had a problem with uploading image on the home page of my course. I followed the standard steps, in which I uploaded the image first on the course file and then added the image to the home page. But when I accessed the home page, there was a se...

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Is there a reason why one would need to look in multiple locations between Canvas Studio, New Analytics, and the Access Report aren't in the same location for a student? Is the instructor doing anything wrong in seeking out this information?

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Hello Hivemind! I'm trying to come up with creative ways for an instructor to join a group for the purpose of Group Collaborations/Assignments. I have limited admin capabilities, but most instructors don't have any admin privileges.  I'm teaching an ...

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We like to put a quiz in a module. But when you put a new quiz in a module, on completion of the quiz you don't resume in the module where you left off. Will this change before the old quiz platform is dropped? Will the old platform still be dropped ...

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I created a group assignment for students to upload videos of their self-introduction for only their group members. I assigned peer reviews for them to view and comment on each others' videos in the group, and have now run into the problem that the s...

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I have just created a course (last one of several for the year) and added all my students who are also part of the aforementioned courses. Parents are able to observe their children in all the courses except the new one. I can't find out why or how t...

  • 1 Replies

I have been using Classic Quizzes and Mastery Paths in conjunction for most of this school year. Since Classic Quizzes will be phasing out next year, I thought I would try New Quizzes and Mastery Paths. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to replicate my fo...

  • 1 Replies

Hello all, Is it possible for the instructor to replace a file that a student has submitted for an assignment manually with another one? e.g. if a student accidentally uploads the incorrect PDF and then emails you the correct file? I am new to Canvas...

  • 6 Replies

Hey all! I'd like to put out some suggestions. Our campus uses Canvas and plans to continue using Canvas in the future.  I'd love to see some more math integration into quizzes. Right now utilizing trig functions for matching or formula questions is ...

  • 1 Replies

Some of my photos on some of my announcements show up in student view as LOCK. Why did this happen all of a sudden and how to I change them back to being visible? 

  • 1 Replies

I use a lot of pre-formatted code sections in my assignments and pages.  I know for my most recent assignment the view of the pre section was good.  On the student view the pre-formatted section was all on 1 line.  The student view also lost the css ...

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Has anyone come up with a way to print a NEW Quiz?  NOT the original/classic/legacy Quiz, none of those solutions work... completely different setup.  Many students with IEPs are required BY LAW to get a paper copy.  I have tried "Preview" and then "...

  • 1 Replies

As others have noted, the free draw tool in SpeedGrader is requires many unnecessary clicks/taps - but it would take quite a redesign to do away with those problems. But here's an improvement to free draw annotation that should require only a very mi...

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Instructor Discussion
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Only big problem I am seeing so far after a few years (Canvas / iOS)--and I'm trying to get word to the developers--is that Canvas mobile app does not offer students or instructors a view of the course calendar. Am I missing it? This would be a huge ...

  • 2 Replies

Is there a way to automatically apply ADA extensions to all assignments?  if not, why not???? 

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Hello! Is there anyway you can make group sets that are only available to students in the same section and to prevent students to join other group sets when they are already signed up to one of them.  For example. I want to have 4 different group set...

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On behalf of the global Turnitin team, I’d like to thank all educators for staying strong in 2020.   Your hard work and dedication to ensuring the success of your students have not gone unnoticed. COVID-19 has placed immense pressure on you and w...

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Instructor Discussion
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I would like my students to be able to see in modules that they will have a quiz on a future day.  However, I also want the test security to keep that quiz locked until the day I want it to open.  If they could see that it was posted in modules, it w...

  • 1 Replies

I know this particular problem only impacts a small segment of people, but I would really like to see more hotkeys for speedgrader. Those of us with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome end up in a great deal of pain after every grading session in Canvas. It is ex...

Community Explorer
Instructor Discussion
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The new Rich Content Editor has changed the behavior when creating a link to a file in a content page. In the old editor, when you created a link to a file and disabled in-line preview, the file would automatically download to the user's computer. Th...

  • 2 Replies

Hi, I'm an instructor and for one of my class periods, scores suddenly appear for all of my students (100%, of course), whether they submitted the assignment or not. This is very frustrating, and I have no idea what is going on. As far as I know, the...

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to assign submitted work so a specific marker - for example a class of 100 students and you have 10 marks to mark 10 essay.   is it possible and if so - How?    

Community Novice
Instructor Discussion
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I think that this is related to the update.  Ever since the update I can't open any uploaded files from students.  I have asked students to upload a google doc for me to grade but when I go to speedgrader, I get a message that the file contains HTML ...

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I got a pop-up asking me to update my flash player during a quiz, will my teacher see this? I'm asking on the teacher board because I'm sure other students don't know the answer to it. Thank you in advance!

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Instructor Discussion
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If Canvas can send late and excused flags on assignments to PowerSchool, why in the world can it not send "missing" flags? This makes it very difficult to run reports for missing homework, because you could flag stuff as missing in PowerSchool after ...

  • 2 Replies

I believe Canvas updated last week and when it did, the following problem now occurs. When you go to copy an assignment from one class to another it now gives you the list of all classes in Canvas, including the ones archived from several years past....

  • 4 Replies

I am an instructor. I would like to have the same discussion prompt to be graded, but with posts only visible to those students in the same section as the poster. I also want it to appear as one column in the gradebook when viewing students across al...

  • 2 Replies