From Surviving to Thriving with SAMR and Canvas



From Surviving to Thriving

Empowering Teachers with SAMR and Canvas in the Post-Pandemic Classroom

What’s Included in This Post?
•The Evolution of Technology in Education
• Understanding the SAMR Model
• Leveraging Canvas LMS for Student Ownership and Engagement


Introduction: When the world paused in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools launched into the world of distance learning without preparation or warning. Even the most successful organizations faced challenges as students suddenly needed to be able to learn at home. To help make this transition easier for teachers and students, many public schools leaned on ESSER funding from the federal government to provide 1:1 devices, hotspots, and online learning tools. While I believe teachers are among the most resilient and adaptable professionals, we’ve often overlooked the extent to which they’ve had to transform their entire approach—rethinking not only how they teach, but how they support students and carry out their profession. The demands placed on them went far beyond what they were trained for, requiring a complete reinvention of their roles in ways for which there was no precedent and little preparation. We know that the long-term effects of COVID learning loss are evident today through limited student progress, literacy gaps, retention data, etc., However, I fear that while we have been racking our brains trying to close learning gaps for students, we have failed to recognize the needs of educators in order to enable them to effectively provide for their students using the technology tools they have adopted over the last four years. Now, in 2024, with things like generative AI adding to the challenge of effective technology integration, this is the perfect time for instructional leaders to revisit the good ol' SAMR model to support teachers. 

Exploring the SAMR Model


SAMR-Model.jpgSylvia Duckworth’s Sketchnote of the SAMR Model illustrates the varying depths of technology integration in education. It emphasizes the importance of moving beyond the shallow end to transformative practices that enhance student learning experiences.

Image Source:

The Power of the SAMR Model

Visit any edtech website or blog and you will find plenty of information about the SAMR model. Senior Manager at Instructure, Adam Kuntz, wrote a blog for instructional leaders that dives into the SAMR model in 2017, well before the pandemic was a concern. The model has been around for some time and is widely accepted as a reputable framework for educational technology integration. Nonetheless, plenty of teachers that are now required to use technology in their classrooms everyday have no idea about this foundational framework that gives a formal, yet simple guide to effectively integrate technology into classrooms.

The SAMR Model provides educators with a framework for moving from traditional teaching and learning practices without technology towards effectively integrating technology in the classroom. SAMR stands for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition, which are the stages of the framework. Essentially, SAMR helps us understand how we can move from simply using technology for the sake of using technology (substitution) to using technology to empower student learning with innovation and creativity (redefinition). SAMR also recognizes that teachers must build their confidence at each stage of the framework in order to confidently and effectively move into the next stage. The way I like to explain SAMR is like this: If you are going to use technology in your classroom, if you have to use technology in the classroom, why not use it to its fullest potential? Not only can technology make your life easier, but it can make learning more attainable, more realistic, and more authentic for learners. What does this mean for instructional leaders?

PRO TIP: Continuously reflect on your technology use by asking, "How can I enhance student engagement today?" Aim to integrate technology that elevates learning experiences, pushing beyond substitution. Keep exploring the SAMR model to identify opportunities for innovation in your teaching.


Moving Beyond Pandemic Technology Integration

Instructional leaders should consider the support teachers need to effectively integrate instructional technology in the post-pandemic classroom. Helping teachers gain understanding of effective technology integration is a fundamental necessity to closing learning gaps in classrooms. When teachers suddenly had to shift to distance learning in 2020, both educators and students admirably adapted to an online learning experience that primarily focused on substitution. Teachers met with their students via Zoom, Chat, or other virtual platforms, often using a camera set up to capture their instruction on paper or a whiteboard. Papers and books were converted into PDFs and Docs, and paper assessments became Google Forms or annotated worksheets. Students learned to take pictures of their work and upload the images for grading. This approach filled the immediate need. Teachers accessed these assignments electronically as a direct substitute for the learning we would have done if we had been in person. While that adjustment is totally acceptable when required, instructional leaders can lean on SAMR to challenge educators to think beyond those substituted experiences and consider how learning can be enhanced with technology. In the inspiring words of Bill Gates, “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.” While Canvas is a dynamic LMS that provides a range of options for teaching and learning, ultimately its power lies it how it is leveraged by teachers and school leaders.

Canvas LMS and SAMR: A Pathway to Innovation

When student ownership and engagement is down, great teachers reflect on their own teaching practices. “What could I do better?” “How could I make my lessons more effective?” In those moments of reflection, I would challenge teachers and leaders to think about who has the ownership over learning in the classroom. Who is doing all the work?

This is where Canvas comes into play, offering a pathway for teachers to elevate their practice through the SAMR model. By applying this framework to the integration of the Canvas LMS, educators can facilitate authentic learning experiences that are deeply rooted in student ownership and engagement. This guide provides educators with a quick reference to determine ways to “SAMR” traditional lessons using Canvas Assignments.

By leveraging the capabilities of Canvas and the Instructure Learning Management Platform, we have the opportunity to revolutionize the educational landscape. Canvas provides a comprehensive toolkit that educators can utilize to enhance their instructional practices and create enriching learning environments. However, the true transformative potential of this platform lies in the hands of passionate teachers ready to explore its myriad possibilities. Let’s ignite their creativity and equip them with the knowledge and skills to harness Canvas effectively, ultimately fostering greater student engagement and ownership in their educational journeys.

Final Thoughts

Our Canvas Certified Educator program provides an opportunity to continue learning about SAMR and the other educational technology frameworks. Designed by educators for educators, this series of online courses is aimed at strengthening your hands-on experience teaching with Canvas as you learn pedagogical best practices for online and blended learning. Learn more in our Frequently Asked Questions about CCE site.


Our team of dedicated strategic consultants helps customers deepen and elevate their use of Instructure Learning Platform products to meet pedagogical goals across their organization by offering expertise, strategic advice, customized consultation, and targeted coaching. If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact your CSM, or @Kelley_Lozicki, Manager, Learning Services, or by email

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